
GOVERNORS OF THE SCHOOL                                    

We are very fortunate to be supported by the following governors, some of whom have many years experience in the role.  The governing body meet regularly to discuss various items in order to improve our school and provide the best for our children.  The full governing body meet throughout the year as a collective.  Alongside this, the Curriculum Committee and the Staffing, Finance and Premises Committee also meet.  These committees then feed back to the full governing body on a regular basis.

Our Curriculum committee discuss all aspects of the school curriculum, such as what is taught to the children and also, how we assess them. They make decisions on funding for new initiatives and resources for the children.

Our Staffing, Finance and Premises committee are responsible for making financial decisions regarding staffing at the school. They also ensure that school monies are used to improve the school environment to make it a place where our children and staff enjoy attending.


Foundation Governors

Mrs Cathie McDonald-Hollis (Chair)

Appointed by Foundation/Trust.  Term of office 16/6/22 – 15/6/26.  No Business Interests to declare

Mr Michael Coyne

Appointed by Foundation/Trust.  Term of office 1/9/20 – 31/8/24.  No Business Interests to declare.

Mr Colin Davies

Appointed by Foundation/Trust.  Term of office 1/9/20 – 31/8/24.  No Business Interests to declare.

Miss Sara Kielty

Appointed by Foundation/Trust.  Term of office 9/5/22 – 8/5/26.  No Business Interests to declare.

Mrs Carol Stopforth

Appointed by Foundation/Trust. Term of office 15/5/2023-14/5/2027. No Business interests to declare.

Vacancy- Foundation Governor


Mr Shaun Lavery (Vice Chair)

Appointed by Local Authority.  Term of office 7/3/24 – 6/3/28.  Material interest- close relative of employed teacher.


Staff Governor

Miss Antonia Sparrow     

Appointed by Foundation/Trust.  Term of office 27/1/23-14/5/2027.  No Business Interests to declare.         


Parent Governors

Mrs Jenny Johnson

Elected by parents.  Term of office 9/10/22 – 21/10/26.  No Business Interests to declare.

Mrs Clare Marsh

Elected by parents.  Term of office 3/12/20 – 2/12/24.  No Business Interests to declare.



Mr Liam Daniels

Appointed Headteacher September 2013.  Business Interests- AB and B Flooring owned by family member.


Clerk to the Governors 

Mrs Anne-Marie Grant


Deputy Headteacher (Observer)

Miss Olivia Schofield- Member of all committees with no voting rights.


Please click the following link to view attendance at governing boy meetings over the last academic year.

Attendance at Governing Body meetings 21-22

Attendance at Governing Body meetings 20-21
