St Elizabeth’s After School Clubs
After school activities are an important part of any child’s educational experience and at St Elizabeth’s we endeavour to make sure children are given abilities to develop their skills and abilities in different areas.
At St Elizabeth’s we believe that music has a unique role to play in developing children’s social and communication skills, in nurturing their creativity and in promoting a sense of aesthetic and artistic value.
In addition to instrumental lessons in school time, Choir club is offered for KS2 throughout the autumn term, as well as a KS1 music club.
Sports Clubs
Sports clubs in particular, encourage children to further develop and improve their self-confidence and PE skills as well as encouraging to ensure they develop and maintain good health and well-being.
We will publish school clubs each half term and ensure that every child has the opportunity to attend a club if they wish to during the course of the school year. It is our experience that if children attend after school clubs, and enjoy physical activity when they are younger, they tend to carry this habit through to adulthood, leading to happier, healthier and longer lives.
Please ensure you check Twitter and our Text service for clubs updates and that your child is collected on time.
Please see Mr Metcalf or Miss Kneale if you feel your child would benefit from clubs but need financial support to do so- we don’t want any child to miss out.
Sports clubs for half term 1
Monday – Year 3 Football
Tuesday – Year 4 Football
Wednesday – Year 5 Football
Thursday – Year 6 Football
Friday – Year 3/4 Gymnastics
Sports clubs for half term 2
Monday – Year 1 Dodgeball
Tuesday – Year 2 Dodgeball
Tuesday – Year 5/6 Netball
Wednesday – Year 5 Dodgeball
Thursday – Year 6 Dodgeball
Friday – Year 1/2 Gymnastics
Sports clubs for half term 3
Monday – Year 4 Dodgeball
Tuesday – Year 3 Dodgeball
Wednesday – Year 5 Dodgeball
Thursday – Year 6 Dodgeball
Sports clubs for half term 4
Monday – Year 2 Football
Tuesday – Year 4/5 Netball (girls only)
Wednesday – Year 1 Football
Thursday – Year 5/6 Basketball (boys only)
All after school clubs give children credits towards Children’s University.