Pupil Voice
Pupils across the school were invited to discuss their views about what art means to
them as well as the art curriculum in our school. Here are some examples of what
they told us.
Do you enjoy art?
“Yes because I like to draw pictures.” “I like painting.” “I like doing the background.”
“Yes because I’m artistic.” “Yes because I like to make stuff.” “Yes because I like to
paint pictures of my family.”
What art have you been doing in school and what did you learn?
“Painting a picture of my brother Riley.” “Drawing pictures of my family.” “How to
draw tigers.” “Learning how to paint trees.” “ How to do a wash with paint.” “It’s okay
to make a mistake.”
Have you learnt about any artists? What did you think about them?
“ Henri Rousseau and Vincent Van Gogh.” “They are excellent painters.” “Looking at
artist’s work helps you. You learn from them.”
How does your teacher help you with art?
“ She helps us with dough disco.” “By helping us put things on our art.” “Miss shows
us what to do like how to use scissors safely.” “ She helps us if we are struggling.”
What is art like in our school?
“It’s good, you have to practise in every year and you get better and better.”
How do you know how well you have done in art?
“The teacher tells you.” “ The teacher says, Good job or Well done.” “You get a
stamp or a sticker.” “Because the picture is good.”
Why do you think art is important?
“Because you can learn to make things.” “Because you might want to be an artist
when you are older.”
How do you feel in art lessons?
“Proud of myself.” “ Like a mini artist!” “Relaxed and happy.” “It makes me feel
confident.” “You can have fun and enjoy it because there are no right or wrong
answers!” “ It gives me a perfect feeling in my mind.” “ It’s a place where you can let
your thoughts out.” Happy!” “Excited because art is my favourite!” “ I love art. I find it
Why do we have art lessons?
“To improve drawing skills.” “ If you want a job as an artist.” “To inspire us.” “To
develop our creativity and imagination.” “To learn about different artists.” “To have
new experiences.” “To learn new skills.” “ It’s a different way of learning. You can
show how you feel without words.” “To learn crafts and how to be skilful.” “To
express ourselves.” “To learn new techniques.”
What have you been doing this year and what did you learn?
“We learnt about Pop Art and Andy Warhol and Ancient Greek art.” “We used our
sketch books to create repeated geometric designs.” “We made clay pots.” “Painting
techniques.” “Stone age cave art.” “ Georgia O’Keefe.” “ Tuxpi- digital photography.”
“ Portraits of Henry VIII and the artist Hans Holbein.” “ The local artist for Tula Moon
(illustrator Steph Dekker).” “ How to mould and model with clay.” “We learnt about
African masks and patterns.” “Colour mixing.” “ African –Benin culture.” “About
Lowry.” “ Anglo Saxon illuminated letters.” “ I have learnt to sew, do shading and
How does your teacher help you with art?
“By showing examples and demonstrating.” “Through discussion and advice on
where to go next.” “ You made us feel that we can be good at art- there’s no wrong
or right.” “ Giving us tips, e.g. where to hold the paintbrush and how to apply colour.”
“ Using powerpoints.” “They help with ideas.” “ Miss boosts our confidence.” “The
teacher uses a WAGOLL” “Showing us examples of other artists work.”
What is art like in our school?
“Good, cool, exciting, fun.” “There are different topics.” “Exciting and interesting.”
“We are taught every year and there are lots of displays around the school.”
“Interesting and expressive.” “Enjoyable because every art lesson is different.” “Art in
our school has variation which makes art fun.” “It is creative because you use your
What makes you most proud in art?“When you finish it and you look at it, it’s inspiring.” “When you compare your art and
realise it’s unique.” “When you put lots of time and effort in and think, I did that.” “Not
giving up and keeping on working at it even when it is hard.” “The finished product!”
“Seeing how I improve each year.” “I am proud of my level of skills.”
How do you know how well you have done in your art?
“I can ask my teacher for feedback.” “When I see it on the walls.” “If I feel satisfied
with my work comparing what you have done, adapting and improving it.”
How are art lessons different or the same as other lessons?
“It’s more practical and you can experiment with different styles.” “It’s a chance to let
your mind set free.” “ It can be interpreted in different ways.” “The structure is similar
but the lessons are different- you work together more.” “Art is different because it’s
not all writing and more writing!” “ You use different resources.” “The thing that is
different in art is that we create something different but the thing that is the same is
we keep learning.”