Christmas Dates for your Diary

The Season of Goodwill is fast approaching…

Christmas Dates for your Diary

20.12.17 – Term ends at 1.30 pm.

Christmas Raffle winners

1st Prize: £100 – Franky Wright

2nd Prize: Drinks Hamper – Rachael Flynn

3rd Prize: Christmas Hamper – Molly

4th Prize: Marcos Voucher – Olivia Drury

5th Prize:Teddy – Vatalia Feeney

6th Prize: Plate – Stephen Booth

7th Prize: Baileys – Katie O’Connor

8th Prize: Voucher/Selection Box – Jack Hanratty

9th Prize: Voucher/Selection Box – Joe Gore

10th Prize: Voucher/selection Box – Brooke Reid

11th prize: Voucher/Selection Box – James Stewart

19.12.17 – Santa Dash.

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18.12.17 – Y2 Christmas Concert – 2.15 pm.


18.12.17 –  Christmas Mass at 10 am in church.

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15.12.17 – Whole school Christmas Pantomine am.


15.12.17 – Christmas Party pm.

15.12.17 – Christmas Clothes and/or Christmas Jumper can be worn today!


13.12.17 –  Christmas Dinner Day.


13.12.17 –  Y1 Christmas Concert – 2.15 pm.


12.12.17 – KS2 Christmas Carol Service.

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11.12.17 – Christmas discos (after school).

11.12.17 – Choir at Bootle Resource Centre. A Community Christmas 3.


8.12.17 – Reception Concert – 2.15 pm.


7.12.17 – Nursery Concert – 2.15 pm.

7.12.17 – Choir at Willow Gardens. A Community Christmas 2.

6.12.17 – Y6 at Croxteth Hall.


4.12.17 – Choir at Afton Lodge. A Community Christmas 1.

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1.12.17 –  Christmas Fayre at 3.15 pm.

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24.11.17 – Own clothes day, donations for the Christmas Fayre please.