Catholic Life

Please click on the links to the left to find out more about the Catholic Life of our school and the experiences that we offer our children.

Catholic Life 2023-2024

24th May 2024 – Some of our children made their First Holy Communion – they were a credit to our school.

25th March 2024 – Our Lent and Easter Celebrations – we celebrated Easter with a Mass in School with families, friends and governors.

7th February 2024 – We welcomed CAFOD speaker Dympna Edwards to lead assemblies to launch the Big Lent Walk and to talk about the work of CAFOD.

23th January 2024 – The whole school marked International Peace Day, all our classes completed activities based on praying for peace around the world.

20th December 2023 – Christmas Mass – We celebrated Christmas with a Mass in St Elizabeth’s Church.

19th October 2023 – Harvest Festival – St Elizabeth’s Prayer Council launched a Foodbank appeal across school, which was very successful. The food was displayed in church for our Harvest Festival Celebration which was celebrated with our families, friends and governors. Our Harvest Gifts were collected afterwards by South Sefton Foodbank.

19th September 2024 – Year 2 visited a Recycling Plant which forms part of our action for Live Simply.

St Elizabeth’s Prayer Council elected new class representatives for this school year.

Miss Schofield led a whole school mission focus. Pupils created artwork following Prayer and Liturgy which has been displayed in the entrance to the school, to celebrate our school mission.

18th September 2023 – Father Faustinus celebrated Mass in school for the start of the school year and to celebrate our school mission.