2024 – 2025

At the beginning of term, the school community reviewed our Mission Statement. We listened to Matthew 5:14 ‘Be the Light’ and talked about how our actions allow us to share the light of Jesus with those around us.

We want our school and church community to be beacons that shine far and wide, lighting up our community with the light of Jesus through our work, rest and play.

By learning about Christian values, by listening to the teachings of Jesus and by following the example of Jesus, we say to every member of our community: let your light shine.

2023 – 2024

In September, we reviewed our Mission Statement and thought about ways we can all contribute to our Mission by using our gifts. Everyone in our school community has unique gifts and togther we unite as one fanily to ‘Live Love Learn’.

‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ John10:10

2022 – 2023

In September, we reviewed our Mission Statement. We listened to John 10:10, ‘I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full’ and thought about how, in school, we are able to live our lives to the full. Both staff and children then created their own individual hand and discussed the following quote, ‘You have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.’ We want everyone in our school community to always reach for the stars and live life to the full.

New Year Mass

Father Faustinus celebrated Mass with us in school for the beginning of the new school year – we thought about how we will let our lights shine this year.


At the beginning of term, we reviewed our Mission Statement. We shared ‘The Dot’ by Peter H Reynolds and listened to part of  St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. We talked about how if we make a mark, we should see where it will take us and that we should have confidence as we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. 

Christmas Mass 2021

Thank you to Father Faustinus for celebrating our Christmas Mass. It was a wonderful celebration. 


‘We are all unique’

In September, we reviewed our Mission Statement and thought about what makes us unique. Everyone drew around their hand and wrote in it or decorated it in their own unique way. We thought about how together we make a masterpiece. This year, we will be thinking about how we can all continue to work together to Live Love Learn at St Elizabeth’s. 

RE Home Learning Spring 2021

Spring Topic 2 Eucharist notes for parents and carers

First Holy Communions

Congratulations to the children in Y5 and Y6 who received Holy Communion for the first time during Advent. 

RE Home Learning Summer 2020



‘The God Who Speaks’

The Year of the Word 2020

Our School Mission this year is celebrating and sharing God’s word. The first part of our journey was sharing our favourite scripture passage from the Bible. We shared how we live out these messages and share them with others so we can fly higher than ever before.

We will be gaining deeper spiritual understanding this year through our RE lessons, prayer and Sacramental participation, it is going to be a very special year.

Harvest Festival

What a wonderful, spiritual celebration it was! The most beautiful moments in our school is where our whole school bring together our spirituality with Father Barry in St Elizabeth’s Church. We would like to thank everyone in our school community for your kind donations. Also a big thank you to Tesco and Mrs Stopforth for the wonderful bread representing ‘The Bread f Life.’ It truly was a time to reflect on all that we should be grateful for and to pray for those who are not a s fortunate. The music was uplifting and like a chorus of angels.