Prayer Council

Prayer Council

The role of St Elizabeth’s Prayer Council is:

  • To help our school to be a community of faith.
  • To encourage our fellow pupils to witness their faith in daily living.
  • To develop good relationships within and beyond our school community.
  • To support Liturgy, Collective Worship, prayer and the spiritual life of our school.
  • To continue to involve pupils in fundraising for charities.
  • To continue to develop strong links with our Parish community.
  • To support the school in its Mission Statement.

The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Read and write prayers that can be used in class and assemblies.
  • Plan and prepare displays to highlight our Catholic faith.
  • Discuss and pray for various topics in the news.
  • Be involved with our existing charity projects.
  • Make and send prayer cards to family, friends and parishioners.
  • Find out about the work of different groups in the Parish

We hope to raise awareness and to give witness to our school mission statement:

Live  Love  Learn

‘I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.’

John 10:10

2021 – 2022

Prayer Council Meeting 17th September 2021

At their first meeting, the Prayer Council discussed their role and how they will represent their class this year. During Collective Worship, they thought about how they can serve and spread kindness around school. In response, they made kindness badges to display in the corridor to remind everyone that kindness is so important.

Advent 2021 Fund Raising Event

During Advent, we raised funds for East Meru Community School in Tanzania. Miss Schofield visited the school in October 2019 and shared photographs and stories of her visit. We collected 20ps in Smarties tubes and raised £300 – this money really will make a difference to the children in Maruvango Village. This money will go towards the community library they are building at the school. 

The Community Library 

2019 – 2020

The Prayer Council have been making cards for the children of East Meru Community School in Tanzania. Miss Schofield and Mrs Whitehill will be visiting the school and are looking forward to attending the school’s very first graduation celebration.