School Uniform

We value the importance of school uniform and the sense of togetherness this brings.

However, we also recognise the costs involved and as such we have sought to minimise expense. Therefore many, if not all of the items, are available from local supermarkets and Paul’s Place.

Boys (All year round)
Light blue polo shirt
Navy sweatshirt
Dark grey trousers (grey shorts may be worn in the summer)
Grey or navy socks
Black school shoes (not black trainers)


Light blue polo shirt
Navy sweatshirt or navy cardigan
Navy blue skirt or dark grey trousers
Navy or white socks
Black shoes (all year round)
Pale blue and white gingham summer dress
Navy blue cardigan
If girls prefer, they can continue to wear the winter uniform all year round.

Only navy blue bows and headbands will be allowed and long hair must be tied back for health and safety reasons.

We do not require children to wear uniform with the school logo, but they can do so if parents wish.

Black pumps are to be worn if black shoes are broken or damaged, not trainers.

Uniform is available from Paul’s Place in Bootle Strand Shopping Centre, or from local supermarkets.